Happy New Year everyone!
For the first time in the years of sending my new year wishes, I find that I couldn’t come up with anything sensible to write. I’ve been thinking about this on and off for a day or so, trying to for something fitting for the end of the roller-coaster year 2011 turned out to be and that would be equally relevant to 2012, a year that I won’t even take a gander at predicting. 2011 has taught me many things and one of them is to hold off on the resolutions.

As usual, I’m sitting at home with a glass of something nice. No mixed drinks this year though. In honor of the madness of 2011, I thought something simple was more appropriate. So I’m drinking Filanda Rose from a tall champagne flute — there’s no other way to drink it. It’s quite pretty in the crystal with the beautiful sleek etchings as tiny bubbles float to the top. Filanda Rose is by Bortolomiol and is a brut sparkling wine though it is pink and bubbly like champagne. It was a Christmas gift from a friend. It has a nice taste and the bubbles are divine. I can picture myself in a penthouse suite of a tall building lounging on a white recliner by candle light with tons of champagne flutes lined out on tables against floor to ceiling glass, a panoramic view of the city against sparkling sky and Creed playing in the background as they are on my laptop as I write. Divine. Oh and did I mention I would be wearing a yellow and white diamond right-hand ring from Tiffany’s and a splash of Chanel No. 5...a girl can only dream....
As I said, 2011 threw me for a loop. At times I thought I wouldn’t get through it sane and then as the year raced on, I begged it to slow down because my achievements were so few. I ended the year pretty much the same way I started it with none of my recycled resolutions anywhere near complete. I’ve now given up on them. After all, if I can’t get through them in three years, I might as well admit now that I never will. The only thing I’ll try to do for 2012 — and it’s not a resolution! -- is to keep in touch more regularly and better with my friends. I’ve done a poor job of that this year.
As is customary, in a few minutes, I’ll go stand on the lawn and look for fireworks on the hill. Last year was a poor showing, one little something shooting up in the sky and then that was that. It was over before it started and was such a let down. This year, I’m hoping they will rally back and attempt something better. I doubt it but I’ll go nonetheless, take a fresh glass of Filanda Rose and see what the night has to offer.
So, as we bid 2011 farewell — good riddance — and wince at the dawning of 2012, I say let us throw our shoulders back, put on a brave face and forge ahead into the unknown. Usually Auld Lang Syne is sung at the end of the old year to usher in the new, but I think I’ll start a new tradition with the words to the old favourite The Way We Were as sung by Barbara Streisand:
...Can it be that it was all so simple then?
Or has time re-written every line?
If we had the chance to do it all again
Tell me, would we? Could we?
Mem’ries may be beautiful and yet
What’s too painful to remember
We simply choose to forget
So it’s the laughter
We will remember
...The way we were
I say choose the good from 2011 and the years before, remember them, store them.
The flute is empty so I need to pour another glass of Filanda Rose....
Walk good my friends.
I wish you good things and blessings for 2012.